Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

webcam attack

yesterday, i took a pict with my class mate. some of them hehehe.

here are some of the pict :

me, ela and faw 

me, ela and faw 

me, ela and faw 

me, ela, faw, and vania

just try to make some friendship here with my new friends..
when they're nice, i'll treat them more nice then they did to me..



"understand" "understand me please" "do you understand?"

mengerti. mengerti itu memahami apa yang terjadi. ngerti ngerti. pengertian. ngandung bbrp meaning yg setiap kata ada artinya masing-masing.

mengerti : mengiyakan sesuatu. ketika lo mencoba untuk memulai suatu hal yang gak lo kuasain, dan lo mencoba ask someone who really knows and then they explain you something.. and then you say " yes, i know" itu adalah arti dari mengerti. contohnya aja, Tuhan ngasih cobaan dulu, trs happy ending. and in the end you will understand why God give us challange and God saw us, we can trought it or not? if we can did it well, God will give us Rewards that can't be counted. like happiness or something that we cant imagine before.

pengertian : memahami suatu keadaan yang mengharuskan lo untuk sangat mengerti keadaan itu. when u have girlfriend or boyfie, actually u need to understand each other. if he ask u, " honey in this saturday night, i cant come to your house.. maybe next week we can meet! i must accompany my mom to the hospital.." if u love him, and then u must understand the condition. why y u always got angry when he broke the promise for something unexpected? itulah sebabnya, kenapa kita harus pengertian. but actually, pengertian ini gak hanya di aspek percintaan aja, dalam sisi kehidupan yang lain juga banyak sesuatu yang harus di-pengertian-kan loh. cuma disini gue ngambil aspek yg paling sering gue temuin hehehehe. yang penting ilmunya sampe ya teman-teman.


hmm.. banyak mengerti-mengerti lainnya, tapi ilmu gue belom sampe. sebenernya sih inti dari kata "ngerti" itu sama semua, cuma kitanya aja yang harus banyak-banyak baca muka orang, memhami dari kata-kata yg dia ceritakan ke kita. sebenernya untuk mengerti itu kita gak dituntut, kita dikasih otak buat mikir dan hati buat ngerasain sesuatu, ketika lo mendengarkan kabar yg gak ngenakin kan lo harus refleks mengerti keadaan dan menjadi sosok yang pengertian itu, yegak?

mencoba ah menjadi sosok yang pengertian dan mudah mengerti keadaan.
cheers! xoxo

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

school mat3s!

me,desti,ratih, and ela.

sorry for bad quality :p

i can't deny something inside my head.

God, if there's any way to forget something that i won't remember.. please tell me. i just won't to hurt anyone, make them feel bother if I ask somehing, make someone angry beacuse my fault..

but i know, i'm just ordinary people who easily make mistakes. God give us brain and heart to think and feel.

brain : think
we use brain to think what we did and what wil we do next. example : if u want to write your life line, first, remember something that you did at the past, if there was some fault, you can learn from it. you will be better if u can learn from your past.
and think something that will you do next...

heart : feel
for me, heart is sensitive. do you know why? for me, by read the text or songs lyric, i easily feel sad/feel happy by a moment. hahahahaha. almost tex or songs lyric i read, it can touch my deepest heart..
well, always use heart to feel anything in your life, because heart is the most thing that always speak right in the end.